DallanIR's purpose is not political, it is my personal webpage. The Fed got personal. When I was in economics just after my mission, I was wary of the Federal Reserve as I learned more about it. I didn't know how much power they actually had. I think this bill is a step in the right direction. This is "a ripe issue." Do we have a right to know where the Fed is spending our money? Wait...is this even our money--they didn't tax us to get it. They created it. They took value from all existing US Dollars--a silent tax, without representation--and did what with it?...well that's what we don't know. Congress doesn't currently have the right to know. That's what HR1207 is about--the right for Congress to audit the Fed in order to know what the Federal Reserve is doing with trillions of dollars, and to know what deals are being made with foreign countries with regards to our currency.
Visit Campaign for Liberty to know more.
i like the new look of the blog
Hey dallan, add egpsports.blogspot.com to the family blog list. thanks.
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