October 12, 2013

Time to Give QB Hill at BYU a Break

Taysom Hill has received a lot of positive attention for his record-breaking run game, but has been scrutinized and criticized as a passer. A deeper look into the statistics shows that his passing game has dramatically improved (although his average stats are still pulled down by his slow start). I looked at his completion percentage, passing yards and passer (QB) rating from ESPN to gauge how he has developed his throwing game from his admittedly sour start. Normalizing by his own personal best this year, his stats as a passer have dramatically improved. His bests for each statistic were 278 yards passing, 73.7% completion and a 158.5 passer rating. Taysom can look forward to a bright future as a passing QB, not to mention his run game.


Unknown said...

Nice plot. It tells us that relative to himself, he is improving. That is no doubt encouraging. The next question is how does he compare to the other division I quarterbacks? Perhaps do away with normalization and plot his stats along with the other DI quarterbacks.

Melissa said...

Yeah...what Eldon said :) And...you tweet? Glad to see the blog resurrected for such a worthy cause :)

JTP said...

Interesting, Dallan.